Did you know that many geniuses such as Mozart and Alexander Graham Bell have music backgrounds?

As Albert Einstein puts it, “If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.”

Benefits of Music & Movement

Through music and movement, young children are able to develop coordination and social skills, learn to express themselves. Music stimulates the part of the brain that learns; develops and promotes creative thinking; provides opportunities for problem-solving and decision-making. It is a means of communication, expression and helps to develop motor skills.

Hence, children are encouraged to attend classes regularly instead of hopping from one enrichment to the other. Routines are important to children especially in their early years as they need to be secure of their environment. Once they are familiar, children will be more positive to the learning process.

Enrichment hopping will not allow children to grasp routines and reap benefits of the respective enrichment programmes that they are in. Children may lose their interests in the programme. They too will be unable to bond with their friends and teacher of the programme.

Music teaches discipline which may translate to a positive habit into adulthood. In piano lessons, a child learns to set aside a specific time each day to practice usually for a minimum of 30 minutes, and to follow instructions. They learn to use their time responsibly and take care of their instrument. The downside of not being disciplined in the long run is that one loses focus. As a result things are done slower and not on time.

Music teaches children delayed gratification, even at an early age. As a child, in class, they get to learn about turn-taking. As they get older, they will need to practice on a piece of music before they are able to play it well. The rigour and discipline is definitely the process before performance.

Through spontaneous play, children learn how to increase their imagination, self-regulate their emotions. This contribute to their cognitive development, and help them learn how to handle different situations with a variety of different people.

Parents are able to see their children grow and have fun. A happy child also results in happy parents.

Note : Want to know more about what Our Music Studio offers for Music enrichment, click here or contact MAS at 6467 1789